Sunday, October 20, 2013

Talk N Text UnliText to ALL Networks Promo

Talk N Text gives you new offer. The UNLITXT2ALL
Enjoy sending UNLIMITED TEXTS TO ALL NETWORKS for as low as Php20 valid for 2 days and Php300 for 30 days/1 month.
If you want cheap and affordable unlitext to all, choose wisely. Try this.

Want to register to this promo? Select your validity and text the following codes.

How to register to TNT Unlimited Texts to ALL Networks?


  • TNT SIM/Subscribers
  • Php20 for 2 days
  • Php300 for 30 days/1 month
  • Registration codes  
2 Days Unlimited Texts to ALL / UNLITXT2ALL 20
UA20 and send it to 4545
Enjoy you 2 days Unlimited Texts to all netwroks!

30 days / 1 month Days Unlimited Texts to ALL / UNLITXT2ALL 300
UA300 and send it to 4545
Enjoy you 30 days/1 month unlimited texts to all networks!

  • Please wait for th confirmation message before sending texts messages.
  • Text message will be send if your subscription is over.
*Only valid and available to all Talk N Texts Subscribers nationwide.

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